Pleins & Reillys

Pleins & Reillys
Joe Plein, Margaret Reilly, Kate Plein, Edward Reilly ca. 1910

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Alaska Day 7: Nome, 08.22.07 - Council

The Road to Council. We decided to drive south to Council this morning. The Council area has something rarely seen in Nome: trees. We were about halfway there when we all collectively realized something: we've seen trees before. So we cut the trip short and headed back to Nome. It was my last day in Alaska - Ginger, Mary Alice and Kelley were taking off the following morning. That evening, I left Nome with wonderful memories, cool souvenirs, and a very nasty sinus infection that made me oh so very popular with my fellow plane passengers.

Another abandoned gold dredge.

Posing like a Plein. Kelley and Ginger recreating a similar photo of Kate Plein and a friend. The original photo was taken in 1904, after a huge storm hit Nome.

Railroad to Nowhere. One of the most famous sites on the way to Council. The builders of this railroad were well-intentioned but poorly-financed.

One last image of the Nome beach.

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